Podpora uporabnikom

Registrirani uporabniki

Preko spodnjega obrazca registrirani uporabniki dostopate do tehnično podpornih vsebin za Ewon Flexy, OPC Router in KEPWARE OPC Server.

Neregistrirani uporabniki

Če še niste registrirani lahko svoj uporabniški profil za dostop do tehnično podpornih vsebin ustvarite z vnosom podatkov v spodnjem obrazcu.

Ob registraciji se strinjate s Politiko zasebnosti.


Kontaktorji omogočajo natančen nadzor vašega motorja. Poleg nadzora motorja omogočajo tudi daljinski nadzor ostalih bremen kot so grelniki (upori) in osvetlitev.

Kontaktorji za enosmerne motorje

Idealni so za preklapljanje motorja med zagonom in zaustavljanjem. Standardni modeli so v skladu z japonskimi in številnimi drugimi mednarodnimi standardi.

SpecificationsS-T10 AC_ _ _V 1AS-T10 AC_ _ _V 1BS-T12 AC_ _ _V 1A1BS-T12 AC_ _ _V 2AS-T12 AC_ _ _V 2BS-T20 AC_ _ _V 1A1BS-T20 AC_ _ _V 2AS-T21 AC_ _ _V 2A2BS-T25 AC_ _ _V 2A2BS-T32 AC_ _ _V
Rated data
Applicable standard All types: IEC60947-4-1, EN60947-4-1, JIS C8201-4-1
Rated insulation voltageVAll types: 690
Rated impulse withstand voltagekVAll types: 6
Rated frequencyHzAll types: 50/60
Pollution degree All types: 3
Rated operational power (current) Category AC-3 (Three-phase squirrel-cage motor load, standard responsibility)220–240 VkW (A)2.5 (11)2.5 (11)3.5 (13)3.5 (13)3.5 (13)4.5 (18)4.5 (18)5.5 (25)7.5 (30)7.5 (32)
380–440 VkW (A)4 (9)4 (9)5.5 (12)5.5 (12)5.5 (12)7.5 (18)7.5 (18)11 (23)15 (30)15 (32)
500 VkW (A)4 (7)4 (7)5.5 (9)5.5 (9)5.5 (9)7.5 (17)7.5 (17)11 (17)15 (24)15 (24)
690 VkW (A)4 (5)4 (5)5.5 (7)5.5 (7)5.5 (7)7.5 (9)7.5 (9)7.5 (9)11 (12)11 (12)
Rated operational power (current) Category AC-4 (Three-phase squirrel-cage motor load, inching responsibility)220–240 VkW (A)1.5 (8)1.5 (8)2.2 (11)2.2 (11)2.2 (11)3.7 (18)3.7 (18)3.7 (18)4.5 (20)5.5 (26)
380–440 VkW (A)2.2 (6)2.2 (6)4 (9)4 (9)4 (9)5.5 (13)5.5 (13)5.5 (13)7.5 (17)11 (24)
500 VkW (A)2.7 (6)2.7 (6)5.5 (9)5.5 (9)5.5 (9)5.5 (10)5.5 (10)5.5 (10)7.5 (12)7.5 (13)
Rated operational power (current) Category AC-1 (Resistance, heater load)100–240 VkW (A)20202020202020323232
380–440 VkW (A)11111313131313323232
Conventional free air thermal current IthA20202020202020323232
Minimum applicable load level All types: 48 V 200 mA
Auxiliary contact rating
Contact arrangementStandard 1 NO1 NC1 NO + 1 NC2 NO2 NC1 NO + 1 NC2 NO2 NC2 NO + 2 NC
Max. number of additional options aFront clip-onpcs.1111111111
Side clip-onpcs.2222222222
Rated operational current (Category AC-15 : Alternating current coil load)120 VA6666666666
240 VA3333333333
Rated operational current (Category DC-13 : Direct current coil load)24 VA3333333333
110 VA0.
Conventional free air thermal current IthA10101010101010101010
Minimum applicable load level All types: 20 V 3 mA
Mechanical durability [ten thousand times]All types: 1,000
Electrical durability [ten thousand times]Please refer to the Electrical durability curve
Switching frequency [times/hour]Category AC-31800180018001800180018001800180018001800
Category AC-4300300300300300300300300300300
Category AC-11200120012001200120012001200120012001200
Coil consumption (at rated coil voltage) cInrush(VA)45454545454545757555
Mechanical data
Dimensions (WxHxD)mm36x75x7836x75x7843x75x7843x75x7843x75x7843x75x7843x75x7863x81x8163x81x8143x81x81
Order informationAC 24 VArt. no.279140279197279204279211279218279225279232279239279246279253
AC 48 V279141279198279205279212279219279226279233279240279247279254
AC 100 V279142279199279206279213279220279227279234279241279248279255
AC 200 V279143279200279207279214279221279228279235279242279249279256
AC 300 V279144279201279208279215279222279229279236279243279250279257
AC 400 V279195279202279209279216279223279230279237279244279251279258
AC 500 V279196279203279210279217279224279231279238279245279252279259


Specifications S-T35 AC_ _ _VS-T50 AC_ _ _VS-T65 AC_ _ _VS-T80 AC_ _ _VS-T100 AC_ _ _VS-N125 AC_ _ _VS-N150 AC_ _ _VS-N180 AC_ _ _VS-N220 AC_ _ _VS-N300 AC_ _ _VS-N400 AC_ _ _VS-N600 AC_ _ _VS-N800 AC_ _ _V
Rated data
Applicable standardAll types: IEC60947-4-1, EN60947-4-1, JIS C8201-4-1
Rated insulation voltage6901000
Rated impulse withstand voltagekVAll types: 6
Rated frequencyHzAll types: 50/60
Pollution degreeAll types: 3
Rated operational power (current) Category AC-3 (Three-phase squirrel-cage motor load, standard responsibility)220–240 VkW (A)11( 40)15( 55)18.5( 65)22( 85)30( 105)37( 125)45( 150)55( 180)75( 250)90( 300)125( 400)190( 630)220( 800)
380–440 VkW (A)18.5( 40)22( 48)30( 65)45( 85)55( 105)60( 120)75( 150)90( 180)132( 250)160( 300)220( 400)330( 630)440( 800)
500 VkW (A)18.5( 32)25( 38)37( 60)45( 75)55( 85)60( 90)90( 140)110( 180)132( 200)160( 250)225( 350)330( 500)500( 720)
690 VkW (A)15( 17)22( 26)30( 38)45( 52)55( 65)60( 70)90( 100)110( 120)132( 150)200( 220)250( 300)330( 420)500( 630)
Rated operational power (current) Category AC-4 (Three-phase squirrel-cage motor load, inching responsibility)220–240 VkW (A)5.5( 26)7.5( 35)11( 50)15( 65)19( 80)1518.5222237456575
380–440 VkW (A)11( 24)15( 32)22( 47)30( 62)37( 75)223037456075110130
500 VkW (A)11( 17)15( 24)22( 38)30( 45)37( 55)223745556090130150
Rated operational power (current) Category AC-1 (Resistance, heater load)100–240 VA6080100120150150200260260350450660800
380–440 VA6080100120150150200260260350450660800
Conventional free air thermal current IthA60801001201501502002602603504508001000
Minimum applicable load levelAll types: 48 V 200 mA
Auxiliary contact rating
Contact arrangementStandard2NO+2NC2NO+2NC2NO+2NC2NO+2NC2NO+2NC2NO+2NC2NO+2NC2NO+2NC2NO+2NC2NO+2NC2NO+2NC2NO+2NC2NO+2NC
Max. number of additional optionsFront clip-on pcs.1111
Side clip-on pcs.2222222222222
Rated operational current (Category AC-15 : Alternating current coil load)120 V AC6666666666666
240 V AC3333355555555
Rated operational current (Category DC-13 : Direct current coil load)24 V DC3333355555555
110 V DC0.
Conventional free air thermal current Ith[A]10101616161616161616161616
Minimum applicable load levelAll types: 20 V 3 mA
Mechanical durability [ten thousand times]10001000500500500500500500500500500500500
Electrical durabilityPlease refer to the Electrical durability curve
Switching frequency [times/hour]Category AC-31800120012001200120012001200120012001200120012001200
Category AC-4300300300300300300300300300300300300300
Category AC-1120012001200120060012001200120012001200120012001200
Coil consumption (at rated coil voltage)Inrush(VA)110110115115210320320480480480480800800
Mechanical data
Dimensions (WxHxD)mm75x89x9175x89x9188x106x10688x106x106100x124x127100x150x136120x160x145138x204x174138x204x174163x243x195163x243x195290x310x234290x310x234
Order InformationAC 24 VArt. no.298658298665298672298679298686113650113654
AC 48 V298661298668298675298682298689
AC 100 V298656298663298670298677298684113647113651113656113659113662113665113668113672
AC 200 V298657298664298671298678298685113648113652113657113660113663113666113669113673
AC 300 V298659298666298673298680298687
AC 400 V298660298667298674298681298688113649113653113658113661113664113667113670113674
AC 500 V298662298669298676298683298370

Dodatne komponente in oprema

Za kontaktorje je dostopen širok nabor opcijskih enot.


Z dnem 12.12.2023 smo spremenili ime podjetja v RBT Technologies d.o.o. (prej INEA RBT d.o.o.).

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