Podpora uporabnikom

Registrirani uporabniki

Preko spodnjega obrazca registrirani uporabniki dostopate do tehnično podpornih vsebin za Ewon Flexy, OPC Router in KEPWARE OPC Server.

Neregistrirani uporabniki

Če še niste registrirani lahko svoj uporabniški profil za dostop do tehnično podpornih vsebin ustvarite z vnosom podatkov v spodnjem obrazcu.

Ob registraciji se strinjate s Politiko zasebnosti.

Motorji z direktnim pogonom (MR-J5)

Direct drive motor model TM-RU2M002C30. TM-RG2M002C30 TM-RU2M004E30, TM-RG2M004E30 TM-RU2M009G30, TM-RG2M009G30
Motor outer diameter (frame dimensions) [mm] ø130 ø180 ø230
Continuous running duty Rated output [W] 69 141 (188) 283
Rated torque 3 4 [N•m] 2.2 4.5 (6) 9
Maximum torque [N•m] 8.8 13.5 (18) 27
Rated speed [r/min] 300
Maximum speed [r/min] 600
Permissible instantaneous speed [r/min] 690
Power rate at continuous rated torque [kW/s] 6.1 3.4 (6.0) 5.5
Rated current [A] 1.2 1.3 (1.7) 2.2
Maximum current [A] 4.9 4.0 (5.3) 6.7
Moment of inertia J [× 10 -4 kg•m²] 7.88 60.2 147
Recommended load to motor inertia rati o 1 50 times or less 20 times or less
Absolute accuracy [s] ±15 ±12.5
Speed/ position detector Absolute/incremental *1 21-bit encoder 2097152 pulses/rev 22-bit encoder 4194304 pulses/rev
Thermistor Built-in
Insulation class 155 (F)
Structure Totally enclosed, natural cooling (IP rating: IP40) 2
Vibration resistance *2 X: 49 m/s² Y: 49 m/s²
Vibration rank V10 *4
Rotor permissible load *3 Moment load [N•m] 15 49 65
Axial load [N] 770 2300 3800
Mass [kg] 2.7 5.5 8.3
1. Contact your local sales office if the load to motor inertia ratio exceeds the value in the table. 2. Connectors and a gap along the rotor (output shaft) are excluded. 3. When unbalanced torque is generated, such as in a vertical lift machine, be sure to use the absolute position detection system, and keep the unbalanced torque under 70 % of the servo motor rated torque. 4. The value in brackets is applicable when the rated and maximum torques are increased with a combination with a larger-capacity servo amplifier. 5. Absolute accuracy varies according to the mounting state of load and the surrounding environment.
Direct drive motor model TM-RFM002C20 TM-RFM004C20 TM-RFM006C20 TM-RFM006E20 TM-RFM012E20 TM-RFM018E20
Motor outer diameter (frame dimensions) [mm] ø130 ø180
Continuous running duty Rated output [W] 42 84 126 126 251 377
Rated torque [N•m] 2 4 6 6 12 18
Maximum torque [N•m] 6 12 18 18 36 54
Rated speed [r/min] 200
Maximum speed [r/min] 500
Permissible instantaneous speed [r/min] 575
Power rate at continuous rated torque [kW/s] 3.7 9.6 16.1 4.9 12.9 21.8
Rated current [A] 1.3 2.2 3.2 3.0 3.8 6.0
Maximum current [A] 3.9 6.6 9.6 9.0 12 18
Moment of inertia J [× 10 -4 kg•m²] 10.9 16.6 22.4 74.0 111 149
Recommended load to motor inertia ratio 1 50 times or less
Absolute accuracy [s] ±15 ±12.5
Speed/position detector Absolute/incremental 20-bit encoder *1 (resolution: 1048576 pulses/rev)
Thermistor Built-in
Insulation class 155 (F)
Structure Totally enclosed, natural cooling (IP rating: IP42) 2
Vibration resistance *2 X: 49 m/s² Y: 49 m/s²
Vibration rank V10 *4
Rotor permissible load *3 Moment load [N•m] 22.5 70
Axial load [N] 1100 3300
Mass [kg] 5.2 6.8 8.4 11 15 18
1. Contact your local sales office if the load to motor inertia ratio exceeds the value in the table. 2. Connectors and a gap along the rotor (output shaft) are excluded. 3. When unbalanced torque is generated, such as in a vertical lift machine, be sure to use the absolute position detection system, and keep the unbalanced torque under 70 % of the servo motor rated torque. 4. Absolute accuracy varies according to the mounting state of load and the surrounding environment.
Direct drive motor model TM-RFM012G20 TM-RFM048G20 TM-RFM072G20 TM-RFM040J10 TM-RFM120J10
Motor outer diameter (frame dimensions) [mm] ø230 ø330
Continuous running duty Rated output [W] 251 1005 1508 419 1257
Rated torque [N•m] 12 48 72 40 120
Maximum torque [N•m] 36 144 216 120 360
Rated speed [r/min] 200 100
Maximum speed [r/min] 500 200
Permissible instantaneous speed [r/min] 575 230
Power rate at continuous rated torque [kW/s] 6.0 37.5 59.3 9.4 40.9
Rated current [A] 3.6 11 16 4.3 11
Maximum current [A] 11 33 48 13 33
Moment of inertia J [× 10 -4 kg•m²] 238 615 875 1694 3519
Recommended load to motor inertia ratio 1 50 times or less
Absolute accuracy [s] ±12.5 ±10
Speed/position detector Absolute/incremental 20-bit encoder *1 (resolution: 1048576 pulses/rev)
Thermistor Built-in
Insulation class 155 (F)
Structure Totally enclosed, natural cooling (IP rating: IP42) 2
Vibration resistance *2 X: 49 m/s² Y: 49 m/s² X: 24.5 m/s² Y: 24.5 m/s²
Vibration rank V10 *4
Rotor permissible load *3 Moment load 93 350
Axial load [N] 5500 16000
Mass [kg] 17 36 52 53 91
1. Contact your local sales office if the load to motor inertia ratio exceeds the value in the table. 2. Connectors and a gap along the rotor (output shaft) are excluded. 3. When unbalanced torque is generated, such as in a vertical lift machine, be sure to use the absolute position detection system, and keep the unbalanced torque under 70 % of the servo motor rated torque. 4. Absolute accuracy varies according to the mounting state


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